Hulu x Westbound Creative Inc. | Vanderpump Villa
Produced an audio remix from Vanderpump Villa using show audio. Over 12 million plays across TikTok.
Katy Perry | Instagram Content
Promotional content for American Idol Twitter/X for Season 4-6.
American Idol | ABC Network Seasons 19-21
The voice of @AmericanIdol Twitter/X for Season 4-6.
Create all video content, animated GIFs, live-tweet strategy, engage with talent, write copy. Live show coverage.
*saving these @katyperry reactions to Camera Roll*#AmericanIdol
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) February 22, 2021
Name a song that makes you go...
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) March 14, 2021
🙂 ➡️ 😌
NBC | Saturday Night Live #SNL40
Created GIFs for SNL's 40th Anniversary Special on
MTV | Video Music Awards 2011-2014
Posted GIFs in real-time on
YouTube Originals | Escape The Night Seasons 3 & 4
Created social content for #ETN3 and uploaded to Twitter and GIPHY
MTV | Movie Awards 2015
Posted GIFs in real-time on
LogoTV | Justin Bieber Arrested for "Drag Racing"
The image received over 2.4 million impressions on Facebook and 285,000 on Twitter.
BravoTV | RHONY + I Dream of NeNe
Cross-promotion on for series premieres.
BravoTV + NBC Sports | Super Bowl 49 GIF Stunt
Look, @katyperry is killing it and all but her outfits... #SuperBowl
— Bravotv (@Bravotv) February 2, 2015
You guys! We teamed up with @tkylemac and @NBCSports for an epic #SB49 stunt! #SuperBowl
— Bravotv (@Bravotv) January 31, 2015
Endemol US + DirecTV | Kingdom
Create episodic GIFs recapping the most shocking moments.
Thanks for watching @KingdomDIRECTV with us! What was your favorite part of tonight's episode? #KingdomTV
— Endemol US (@EndemolUS) October 16, 2014
Congrats to @EndemolUS on #KingdomTV's #social success during last week's premiere! Here's how they made it happen:
— endemol beyond (@endemolbeyond) October 15, 2014
Create social media profile graphics for all talent to promote show tune-in.
Create pre-premiere GIFs to support tune-in on Twitter.
Endemol US | Michelle Phan
Create GIFs for Twitter to highlight new YouTube videos from Michelle Phan (7.3 million subscribers).
WE tv | Braxton Family Values + Cutting It
Cross-promotion on for series premieres.
She tried it! #CuttingIt @CuttingIt_WEtv
— WE tv (@WEtv) June 12, 2015
That moment when you realize #BFV returns tomorrow night!
— #BFV (@BFV_WEtv) May 20, 2015
DirecTV | Football Fantasy League 2014
GIFs for Twitter promotion on @DirecTV.
360i + Oxygen | Fix My Choir + Bad Girls Club
Cross-promotion on with weekly tune-in reminders.
Create exclusive backstage and red carpet GIFs to promote Logo Trailblazers Awards.

NYC Gay Pride Parade 2014 - Featuring the queens from RuPaul's Drag Race
The X Factor USA | Season 2
Created the "GIF of the Week" for Pepsi Pre-Show Live.